The Am I Called Assessment

Assess Your Strengths and Weaknesses as You Prayerfully Evaluate God's Call to Plant or Pastor a Church with our free assessment. Answer each question on a scale with 1 represneting a significant weakness, and 5 representing one of your greatest strengths.

Assessment Entry

Let's Get Started

The Am I Called Assessment test is designed to help you assess certain strengths and weaknesses as you prayerfully evaluate the call from God to plant or pastor a church. The test is built around the seven questions that form the GCC Church Planter Profile. Taking the test helps you measure your suitability for church planting in and through Great Commission Collective.

Each question on the test is scored on a scale of 1-5, with “1” representing a significant weakness and “5” representing a significant strength. At the conclusion, there will be options for next steps as well as a free chapter from “Am I Called?”

The AIC Assessment will take about 5-10 minutes and is designed to be completed in one session.
