This year’s Leaders Conference of the Great Commission Collective focuses our attention on God’s extravagant grace. Leaders from around North America will join our international partners in the Quad Cities area to be strengthened as leaders in Christ’s churches, care for one another, and connect to see churches planted around the world.
Hear from Alistair Begg, senior pastor at Parkside Church near Cleveland, Ohio, author, and host of the radio program, Truth For Life.
Joining Alistair as main session speakers: Dave Harvey, president of Great Commission Collective and author; Rob Willey, senior pastor of Coram Deo Bible Church; Scott Hollingshead, senior pastor of Doxa Bible Church; and Earl Marshall, executive director of GCC Canada.
Whether you’re a senior leader at your church or a volunteer, you’re invited to see how God’s extravagant grace equips you with everything you need to be faithful on mission.
Tickets are now on sale! Admission includes all main sessions as well as breakouts. A handful of pre-conference workshops are available and some require an additional cost. If there is an additional cost associated, you will see it on the pre-conference list denoted with an ($). You will need to select that ticket for purchase upon registration in EventbBrite as an add-on.
- Admission 1-9 attendees – $185.00 each
- Group Admission 10+ attendees – $165.00 each
- Simeon Trust Training: Men – $120.00 each
- Simeon Trust Training: Women – $50.00 each
- Personal & Ministry Health in Worship Leadership – $25.00 each
Join us fin the Quad Cities area at Coram Deo Bible Church, 3800 E 53rd St, Davenport, IA 52807. See the FAQ section for important information on how to register multiple attendees.
See you in Davenport!
Conference Schedule
Pre-Conference Workshops: Monday & Tuesday
Conference: Tuesday
Conference: Wednesday
Conference: Thursday
Date | Time Begin | Time End | Event |
10/21/2024 | 12:45 PM | 8:00 PM | Simeon Trust Preaching Training: Men |
10/21/2024 | 1:00 PM | 5:00 PM | Personal & Ministry Health for Worship Leaders & Their Spouse: Part 1 fo 2 |
10/21/2024 | 1:00 PM | 5:00 PM | Coaching Planters, Pastors, Leaders - Part 1 of 2 |
10/21/2024 | 7:00 PM | 8:30 PM | Worship and Prayer Night |
10/22/2024 | 7:15 AM | 11:30 AM | Simeon Trust Preaching Training: Men |
10/22/2024 | 7:30 AM | 11:30 AM | Simeon Trust Preaching Training Women |
10/22/2024 | 9:00 AM | 11:30 AM | Personal & Ministry Health for Worship Leaders & Their Spouse: Part 2 of 2 |
10/22/2024 | 9:00 AM | 12:00 PM | Am I Called to Pastor/Plant? |
10/22/2024 | 9:00 AM | 12:00 PM | Coaching Planters, Pastors, Leaders - Part 2 of 2 |
Time Begin | Time End | Session |
7:00 AM | -- | Registration Opens |
12:00 PM | 12:45 PM | Prayer Room Open |
1:00 PM | 2:45 PM | Session I - Electing Grace: Earl Marshall |
2:45 PM | 3:15 PM | Break |
3:15 PM | 4:30 PM | Breakout I |
4:30 PM | 7:00 PM | Break - dinner on your own |
7:00 PM | 9:00 PM | Session II- Multiplying Grace: Dave Harvey |
Time Begin | Time End | Session |
8:00 AM | 8:45 AM | Lite grab-n-go breakfast available |
9:00 AM | 10:30 AM | Session III- Leadership Grace: Rob Willey |
10:30 AM | 10:45 AM | Break |
10:45 AM | 12:00 PM | Breakout II |
12:00 PM | 1:30 PM | Break - lunch on own
12:30pm - 1:30pm: GCC interest lunch (registration required)- Are you a guest and interested in either planting a new church with GCC or talking to someone about your current church joining GCC? Join us for lunch and let's talk!
12:30pm - 1:30pm: Exhibitor Lunch (registration required) -Three of our exhibitors, Kornhorn Financial, The Ampersand Company, and Entrusted With a Child's Heart are offering a lunch to attendees who would like to meet and discuss how they could be of service to you or your church. You must register for these lunches and space is limited! |
1:30 PM | 2:45 PM | Breakout III |
2:45 PM | 3:15 PM | Break |
3:15 PM | 4:45 PM | Session IV- Scandalous Grace: Scott Hollingshead |
4:45 PM | 5:00 PM | Break - dinner on your own |
5:15 PM | 6:30 PM | Mission Opportunity Dinner (registration required) |
Time Begin | Time End | Session |
8:00 AM | 8:45 AM | Lite grab-n-go breakfast available |
9:00 AM | 10:30 AM | Session V - Application Grace: Alistair Begg |
10:30 AM | 11:00 AM | Break |
11:00 AM | 12:00 PM | Session VI - Persevering Grace Alistar Begg |
Breakout Opportunities
We are so excited to offer several breakout options. Some breakouts will be collaborative labs where you work together with other ministry leaders to answers today’s most relevant and pressing questions. Other typical workshop style breakouts are available as well. All labs will be denoted with (Lab) next to the title on the list below.
Pre-Conference - Monday & Tuesday
Simeon Trust Preaching Workshop: Men ($120)
Mon: 12:45ppm-8:00pm (dinner included), Tues: 7:15am-11:15am (lunch included)
Simeon Trust Preaching Training Women ($50)
Tues: 7:30am-11:30am
Coaching Planters, Pastors, & Leaders
Mon: 1:00pm-5:00pm, Tues: 9:00am-12:00pm
Every church leader needs a coach and can coach others. Billy Graham once said, "One coach will impact more young people in a year than the average person does in a lifetime." At GCC, we are committed to effectively coaching all our church planters and envision making coaching available to every existing church pastor. Achieving this vision requires a simple, reproducible system and many new coaches. This interactive, two-part training will equip you to start coaching immediately.
Personal & Ministry Health for Worship Leaders & Their Spouse ($25)
Mon: 1:00pm-5:00pm, Tues: 9:00am-11:30am
Join with other Worship Leaders and their spouse for a two-part series on how to dig deeper into God’s call for Personal and Ministry health in your role as a Worship Leader. Together, you will spend time in prayer, discussion, and digging into the Word!
Am I Called to Pastor/Plant?
Tues: 9:00am-12:00pm
Connect the pastoral call to the identity you have in Christ and a glorious vision of the church. Fixed on preparing would be ministers to be faithful local churchmen, this workshop is for any and everyone who has wondered if God has called them to the ministry.
Worship and Prayer Night
Mon: 7:00pm-8:30pm
Join us to kick off this conference by worshiping our Savior and spending time with one another in prayer. No need to register for this event just show up with your team!
Breakout 1 - Tuesday 3:15pm
What Every Pastor Needs to Know About the Elder Board Chair and Lay Elders
How do we navigate the various roles of an elder board? Learn how to define, develop, and deploy a biblical eldership team with a culture of care.
When a Church Stops Growing
What can I do if my church stops growing? Explore the practical steps of creating an environment that allows your church to grow through planning, soil management, sowing, watering and being at peace when and if God gives the increase.
Creating a Discipleship Pathway (Lab)
What is a Discipleship Pathway and how can we build one? What kind of environment does a church need to create to equip and mobilize disciples? Discuss steps to develop and implement an effective discipleship pathway that guides individuals from initial interest to mature faith.
Practical Steps for Building a Special Needs Ministry (Lab)
How can we implement a special needs ministry? Learn strategies for establishing and maintaining a thriving special needs ministry that embraces inclusivity and accessibility for all participants.
Building A Worship Team Who Embodies What We Sing (Lab)
What are the core worship values of a GCC church? Define and embrace the core worship values that shape and guide your church's worship practices.
The Unique Opportunity of International Missions Within GCC
How can our church be involved in international missions? GCC has churches in 22 different countries. Learn how to create a fervent hunger for the gospel's impact in your church by supporting, praying for, and encouraging International missions.
Local Mission: How Can Our Church Connect With Our Community? (Lab)
How can our church meaningfully connect with our local community to make a gospel difference? Exchange ideas with others how a church can be missional in their local community beyond the walls of the gathering. Gain some new insights to implement in 2025.
Understanding the Loneliness Epidemic of Christians
How can we work together to build stronger, more connected communities? Understand and address the loneliness epidemic within your congregation and community, offering practical solutions and support.
Emotionally Healthy Conflict Resolution (Lab)
How do I resolve conflict in an emotionally healthy manner? Learn techniques for resolving conflicts in an emotionally healthy way that promotes reconciliation and unity within the church.
Recruiting, Retaining, and Maintaining Staff
How can I navigate the shrinking church staffing market? Learn strategies for managing staffing challenges in today's market, including recruitment, retention, and development of church staff.
What I Wish Someone Had Told Me About Caring for My Family
How do I pastor my most important church members, my wife, and my kids? Get practical advice for pastors on prioritizing and caring for their own families amidst the demands of ministry.
Reflecting the Beauty of Titus 2: a Woman's Response to the Call of Discipleship
Join us as we focus on our individual response to the call of Titus 2 - what this looks like as a personal mandate within the context of whatever season/location/home/church etc God has placed you.
Breakout 2 - Wednesday 10:45am
Practical Preaching Help
How do I grow in preaching sermons that faithfully exposit Scripture, vividly show people Christ, and compellingly communicate with hearers? Expositional preaching should be compelling! That means continuing to develop skills in composition and persuasion like: Shaping your sermon into an engaging argument; knowing your basic sermonic form and how to adjust it; thoughtfully balancing and placing explanation, illustration, and application to fit the passage; and effectively preaching Christ from all of Scripture.
The Important Things Elders Should Know About Church Discipline
What are the best practices for effective biblical church discipline? Discover how elders can redemptively lead in a discipline case to allow for repentance and restoration.
How Can I Build a Gospel Culture for Teams (elders, staff and ministry teams)? (Lab)
How do I develop a healthy gospel culture among church staff and elders? Learn methods to create and maintain a healthy culture among church staff and elders.
Caring for Those With Gender Questions
How can we develop compassionate and informed approaches to caring for individuals with gender questions? Discover how to offer care and counsel in a compassionate way to individuals and families dealing with gender questions or dysphoria.
Emotional Maturity in Ministry
How do I care for people without carrying all the heaviness, sad, and hard things they encounter? Learn how to establish emotional boundaries to care for others without becoming overwhelmed by their burdens.
Parenting in Unprecedented Times: When Counseling Makes Things Worse
Learn about different types of therapy and the best solution and resources for your family.
Using Our Home and Lives for Gospel Hospitality (Lab)
How can we use our homes and lives to love our neighbors like ourselves? Discuss how to create a culture of hospitality that uses your home in a way that seeks to make strangers neighbors, and neighbors family of God.
The Leaders Affection: Stirring Affections in Public and Private
Take a look at the role of affections through the life and ministry of Jonathan Edwards.
Raising Up Women Teachers (Lab)
How do we develop and encourage women teachers in your church? Learn strategies for identifying, nurturing, and supporting women teachers in the church.
Equipping Christians to Protect the Next Generation with ECAP
How Your Church Can Send Out Home-Grown, International Church Planters/Missionaries
What are ways your local church can prepare, train, and send long-term workers internationally? Explore and share ways that your church can be a sending church to the nations.
Leaders, WATCH OUT!
Why the spiritual discipline of Watchfulness is absolutely essential to finishing well.
Breakout 3 - Wednesday 1:30pm
How to Pastor People Through Long-term Suffering
What are the best ways to care for members and their spouse as they encounter long-term health issues? Learn meaningful ways to minister with the Word of God, compassion, and kindness to those suffering from long-term care and to their spouse and families who are carrying a unique struggle to persevere.
Leading Through Polarizing Politics
How do I unify my congregation through the divided political positions? Guidance on navigating and leading congregations through political changes and election results.
Building a Micro-Network in Your Region (Lab)
What Is a Micro-network and why should our church build one? Learn steps to develop and sustain a regional micro-network of churches.
Crucial Lessons I've Learned About Women’s Ministry
What are the most important elements of women's ministry to address? Learn how to help women grow in faith and positively impact their church and community.
The Pain of Unceasing Anguish for a Prodigal
How can we care for prodigals and those who love them? Understand the unique anguish parents and family face when encountering a prodigal child and discover some ways to pray for, reach out to, and receive back a wayward child.
Leadership Lessons for Managing Disruptive Students
What are some good practices for training leaders on handling disruptive students? Explore effective strategies for training leaders to manage disruptive student behavior.
Foster Care and Adoption (Lab)
How does a church begin a ministry of foster care and adoption and how does it impact a church? Pure and undefiled religion includes caring orphans in their distress. Discuss ways a church can begin a ministry of fostering and adoption and key strategies to implement for a meaningful ministry.
Measuring Church Success
What are the Biblical success metrics for your church? Identify and utilize success metrics to evaluate church effectiveness.
Simple Thoughts on Starting or Improving My Writing (Lab)
How can I use my writing ability to advance the gospel and minister to others? Discuss with others the tips and techniques to start or improve writing skills and how to utilize this passion in the local church.
Explore Gospel Justice with Administer Justice
The workshop will include a discussion of biblical justice, surprising stats on the need for legal aid, why churches are ideal places to do legal ministry, and how our model works – with time for Q&A.
What Every Church Should Know About Finances and HR
What are the effective ways to manage church finance & governance? Best practices for managing church finances and governance structures.
Living Healthy as a Ministry Wife
It's hard to find balance when ministry and family collide. Learn to set healthy boundaries as you hear from women who have walked this road.
Here's what a few pastors in the GCC have to say about the annual leaders' conference.
Hotel Options
GCC has sourced discounts from several area hotels. All hotels are within 5 miles of the church. Follow the links to make your reservation at the discounted rate.
Frequently Asked Questions
What can I do to prepare for the conference?
PRAY! Pray for the Lord to meet us at the conference and for us to be filled with the Holy Spirit! Here is a playlist to get your heart set on Him!
Which airports are close by?
The closest airport is Quad Cities International Airport, which is 10 miles from the church. Cedar Rapids, Iowa and Peoria, IL are both about 1 hour and 20 minutes from the church. If you don't mind to drive a little further for a cheaper option, Chicago airports are about 2 hours and 20 minutes.
Can I register my team or do we have to register individually?
We do need to collect individual contact information and workshop selections for each person. You can designate a person to register your team but they will need to know the following information for each attendee: Name, Email, Phone, Church Role, Pre-conference and workshop selections.
Will child care be offered?
While we love children, this conference is really for those in ministry to refuel and refresh. For that reason, child care is not provided during the conference.
Do I need to rent a car?
The hotels are just a few miles from the church. Carpooling is a great options if you're unable to rent a car.
Where should I park if the church parking lot is full?
Parking at the church is limited to around 350 spots. If you can carpool with your team that would be great. If the church parking lot is full, we've got you! We have contracted with our friends at Cinemark Theater just across the street (3601 E 53rd St, Davenport, IA 52807) to allow us to use their back parking lot and shuttle folks between the cinema and the church. More information is coming on how to use the shuttle.
What is the difference between a workshop and lab?
A workshop is a time of mostly teaching by one leader, typically in a theater style setting. A lab is a time of collaborative conversation at a round table with other leaders in similar ministry areas. Labs will have a moderator to give direction and provide a summary.
Will breakouts be recorded?
YES! All workshops will be recorded and made available on our youtube channel shortly after the conference. Labs will not be recorded or they are meant to be collaborative with others.
Are meals included?
A lite breakfast is included Tuesday and Wednesday mornings between 8am-8:45am. Lunches and dinners are not included. Please find several meal options at this link.
Where should I stay?
We have partnered with several area hotels to provide you with great options and discounts. Visit the hotel section on our conference page for details.
Can I change my breakout selection?
Breakout selections can be changed as long as the new selection is not full. If you want to change your selection, please email events@gccollective.org with your name, your original selection and what you'd like to change to.
Is my ticket transferable or refundable?
Tickets are transferable to another attendee. Refunds are not permitted at this time. If you need to transfer a ticket, please email events@gccollective.org with the person's name who registered, the new attendee's name, email address, and breakout selections.
Other Questions?
For other questions regarding the conference, please email events@gccollective.org