Let's Get Started
The Am I Called Assessment test is designed to help you assess certain strengths and weaknesses as you prayerfully evaluate the call from God to plant or pastor a church. The test is built around the seven questions that form the GCC Church Planter Profile. Taking the test helps you measure your suitability for church planting in and through Great Commission Collective.
Each question on the test is scored on a scale of 1-5, with “1” representing a significant weakness and “5” representing a significant strength. On the results page, you will receive a detailed analysis on your answers as well as a free chapter from “Am I Called?”.
The AIC Assessment will take about 5-10 minutes and is designed to be completed in one session.
About the Assessment
Welcome to the Am I Called? Assessment! This tool is designed to help you evaluate God's calling to plant or pastor. While assessments are hardly new ideas, AIC takes the step of using data analytics to help interpret the results for you. Specifically, we spent the first two years collecting data from over 700 respondents who used the 1.0 version of the assessment. We analyzed items using state-of-the-art statistical analyses to ensure what you see on the results page is a precise and constructive result. We pray this tool is as interesting and helpful to you as the process of development has been for us!
The AIC Assessment will take about 5-10 minutes and is designed to be completed in one session.
1. Are You Godly?
Do people see you as one who exhibits a personal hunger to pursue Christ through spiritual disciplines like prayer, study, fasting, and confession?
Would those closest to you say they see clear and consistent patterns of humility in your life?
Can you be counted upon to be patient, kind, and gracious in dealing with others?
Would your pastor, physician and recent physical exams validate that you care for yourself physically and emotionally, and that you exercise self-control with food and alcohol?
Do the leaders in your church generally view you as growing in your understanding and application of the gospel?
If a church member looked at your finances, would they find a history of faithful financial giving to the local church?
In the last year, has anyone ascribed an unrighteous love of money to you, or suggested you are inordinately drawn towards power and influence? Are you respected at your job and in your community?
Do you possess a group of godly men with whom you are transparently accountable?
2. Is your home healthy? (1 Tim 3:4-5, 4:16; Eph 5:25-33, 6:4)
Do you experience consistent unity and alignment with your wife across the more significant marriage challenges (parenting, finances, life/family priorities, ministry)?
Is the nurture, care for, and loving leadership of your wife clearly evident to your wife and to others?
Is your wife supporting your pursuit of church planting and does she recognize and prayerfully accept the claim it will make upon her?
Are you known as one who demonstrates leadership initiative in the spiritual life of your family?
Would your wife and leaders say you apply loving discipline with your children without exasperating harshness, and in a manner that cultivates enduring relationships with them?
When looking at debt and income, are you in a position to, if necessary, make financial sacrifices to start a church or step into a ministry role?
Are you known as one who consistently welcomes others warmly into his home?
Do you manage the personal finances of you home with faithful stewardship?
Does your wife (and where applicable, your kids) affirm your call to plant a church?
Would your family confirm that your private life seems consistent with your call to public ministry?