Pastors Wives - Thank You for Pressing On...

If your heart could tell a story

The story would be filled with ups and downs, twists and turns, mountains and valleys, some chapters filled with disappointment and discouragement, other chapters filled with joy and hope.

As the story unfolds, sometimes you might feel like you’re not the main character. You feel more like a supporting character in your husband's story. your husband had the call to ministry, he’s the one who serves on the elder board, or planted the church or serves on the staff team - your picture’s not on the website— everybody knows him.

You feel more like a supporting character in your husband's story.

There are some chapters in your story that have been left unfinished because you’ve laid aside some of your own aspirations and dreams to support your husband as he follows his.

You kiss your husband goodbye early in the morning on Sundays so he can go to pray and prepare for the service. You arrive at church late like a single mom barely holding things together and you’re greeted by an unsuspecting congregant who asks you if this is your first time visiting the church.

The truth is you’re not the main character of the story… quite frankly neither is your husband.

The truth is you’re not the main character of the story… quite frankly neither is your husband.

The main character of the story is Jesus.

Before your husband ever came along, you had another man in your life. Your heart has always belonged to Him.

Jesus is your first love.

When your heart is breaking - He is holding you together Jesus is supporting you, so you can support your husband.

When church members think your husband can walk on water - you know what he’s really not that great

When church members want to throw your husband in the water with stone around his neck - you know what he’s really not that bad.

Before your husband ever came along, you had another man in your life. Your heart has always belonged to Him.

You know all your husband’s faults better than anyone, yet because of the gospel’s work in your own life, you understand grace, you understand forgiveness. You lovingly hope all things and believe all things. You also know that God is sanctifying your husband day by day as you pray for him.

If your heart could tell a story - It would be a story about loving Jesus, loving your husband, and loving the church You love your husband. Sometime you may not love that your husband is a pastor, but you love your husband.

If your life could sing a song

Pastor’s wife - if your life were a song - it would be 300 bpm. We know your life can often be overwhelmed with responsibilities at home, at work, at church and beyond.

Sometimes the song of your life is painfully slow. - waiting for God to move The song of the pastor’s wife is often in a minor key, sometimes it’s silent, and it feels like it’s fading away.

Sometimes the song of your life is painfully slow. - waiting for God to move

But the great composer never misses a beat - every note and semi-tone of your life matters to Him and falls under His loving providence.

At times you feel like you're singing a solo, sometimes accompanied by a pitchy children’s choir - but you are never alone

But the great composer never misses a beat - every note and semi-tone of your life matters to Him and falls under His loving providence.

At times you feel like no one hears your song - but God always hears.

all your doubt, all your discouragement, all the sacrifices, all the pain, all the tears

Your life is a song about trusting Jesus

At times you feel like no one hears your song - but God always hears

Pastor’s wife, Keep pressing on, keep loving your husband, keep managing your household, Keep shutting down gossip, keep speaking the truth in love, Keep pouring into younger women, keep raising your children to love the Lord, Keep serving the church, Keep looking to Jesus

Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: “Many women have done excellently, but you surpass them all.” Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised. (Proverbs 31:28-30)

If my heart could tell a story, If my life would sing a song

If I have a testimony, If I have anything at all

No one ever cared for me like Jesus, His faithful hand has held me all this way! shared at the 2022 GCC Canada Conference.

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