Downloadable Resource
Plurality Principle Study Guide

The downloadable study guide for Dave Harvey's book, "The Plurality Principle," is a comprehensive resource designed to help individuals and leadership teams explore and implement the principles of shared local church leadership. This study guide is an invaluable tool for pastors, elders, church leaders, and anyone interested in understanding and embracing the concept of plurality in leadership.

Note: The Plurality Principle book can be purchased here.

Part 1 of the study guide, titled "Building a Plurality," lays the foundation by examining the biblical basis for shared local church leadership. Through a careful examination of key passages, such as Acts 14:23, 1 Timothy 5:17, and 1 Peter 5:1–2, readers are encouraged to reflect on the consistent pattern of plural leadership in the New Testament. Thought-provoking questions stimulate personal reflection, fostering a deeper understanding and personal conviction regarding the significance of plurality in the church.

The study guide also provides guidance for group discussions with the elder team, facilitating open and constructive conversations about past experiences, organizational structures, and the importance of unity within the leadership team. Through these discussions, leaders are encouraged to explore practical ways to make their congregation aware of the biblical case for team leadership and the beauty it brings to the church.

In Part 2, titled "A Case for a 'First among Equals,'" the study guide delves into the role of a lead or senior pastor within a shared leadership model. Drawing on biblical examples such as Luke 6:12–16 and Matthew 16:18, this section emphasizes the importance of having a leader who exhibits humble character, leadership gifts, and public ministry skills. Thoughtful questions challenge readers to reflect on their past experiences, biases, and expectations regarding leadership, fostering a healthy approach to shared leadership within their own context.

The study guide also addresses potential pitfalls and provides practical safeguards against the cultivation of celebrity pastors or power-based leadership cultures. It highlights the need for a senior leader to live in the tension of being "first among equals" and provides actionable steps for fostering team unity and involvement.

Finally, Part 3, titled "Dressing for Leadership Storms: Five Hats Senior Pastors Wear," explores the various roles a senior pastor must embrace within a shared leadership model. These roles include custodian of the plurality, catalyst of progress, curator of culture, captain of communication, and liaison for partnerships. The study guide offers relevant biblical passages such as Acts 15:1–35 and 20:1–5, shedding light on the leadership challenges faced by the early church.

Through personal reflection questions and group discussions, readers are encouraged to evaluate their unique gifts and contributions to the leadership team. Practical suggestions are provided to help clarify responsibilities, establish clear job descriptions, and support the senior leader in fulfilling their multifaceted role.

The Plurality Principle Study Guide equips individuals and leadership teams with a wealth of biblical insights, thought-provoking questions, and practical tools to embrace and implement shared local church leadership. By engaging with this study guide, readers will gain a deeper understanding of the biblical foundations of plurality, foster team unity, and experience the extraordinary grace and effectiveness of shared leadership in fulfilling the mission of the church.


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The Plurality Principle Study Guide 788 kb

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